Thoughts at 9pm on a Sunday...
Found out last night that one of my oldest friends from high school got married. Her new husband is deployed in Iraq - best thoughts for a safe return. Oddly enough, I discovered this information on a little thing called I just signed up, out of curiosity...That little bit of information was quite a surprise. So, is that sort of thing a big blinking neon sign that I've been officially written out of someone's life? Are 9 unreturned phone calls over the course of 9 months a better sign? At what point is it stupid to not let go of the past and move on? The big B-day is fast approaching and I'm feeling older and older as each day passes, and realizing that the world is moving on way faster than that. On Friday, I had a lovely conversation with the youngest Showrunner in Hollywood history. He is a year younger than me. Should I be concerned? Are my career and my life moving too slowly? Is the sudden influx of people from my past a sign that I shouldn't let go? All these things are pressing on my brain and making my right eye hurt. I bought new contacts yesterday. -7.0. Don't know if any of you folks out there know this, but 90 year old people don't have vision as bad as that. I have arthritis in my knee. Am I old? Should I throw in the towel? I refuse that. My head hurts from all this. *** *******-Porter? How do I get used to writing that on mail? Do I put that in my address book as I was never formally told about it? I spent the day in a giant room with 500 brides. I've never eaten so much cake and chocolate covered stuff in my life. Who knew that getting married was such a big deal that an entire EXPO is required? Do I need dairy? It it necessary?
I long for a good episode of Grey's Anatomy to shake me from my thoughts.
1 more hour.
...And don't call me Shirley
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Friday, January 27, 2006
I love that movie.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Starving woman curses God, dies in her sleep
NAIROBI (Reuters) - A starving Kenyan woman placed a powerful tribal curse on God, accusing him of sending famine, and died in her sleep, local newspapers said Thursday.
The woman from eastern Kenya's drought-ravaged Kangundo district decided to invoke a dreaded oath from the Kamba community, famed for its potent witchcraft, media reports said.
"Whoever brought this famine, let him perish," the woman chanted, striking a cooking pot with a stick.
"She accomplished the feat at 10 a.m. and waited for the results, but God's wrath struck at night. She died peacefully in her sleep," the Kenya Times newspaper said.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
It has come to my attention that the doll in my previous post is a little confusing. I would like you all to visit a link that will provide further information.
If you laugh, you are coming to hell with me.
And now for something completely different:
It's a wonderful story about a Father and Son named Kackstetter, and the very interesting use of a prosthetic leg.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Today I was sending an email to a far away friend who I haven't spoken to in a while. Filling her in on the goings on in my life. It made me think about the past year and everything that happened. It kind of surprises me how so much could happen in such a short amount of time.
To sum up:
I quit my job. I quit my second job. I had a mini breakdown. I got a fantastic job thanks to my best friend in the world. Mike quit his job. He found a new job. We work at the same company now and I had a built-in date to the holiday party. I moved. My parents finally approve of an apartment I live in. I had surgery. I recovered from surgery. I lost my identity because of it, but I'm on my way to finding it again. My grandmother died. On Easter Sunday. My oldest friend got married and danced her first song as a married woman to Queensryche. I reconnected with someone I lost a while back - and was thrilled to be able to see her at Christmas. (note to CW - Thanks for that...I missed you). My relationship fell apart. It's back again and stronger than ever. Heather finally made me the BFOTB when she caved and finally said YES to Ben's proposal. And finally, I got TiVo. I love TiVo. TiVo and I will be registering at Crate and Barrel and Target if anyone would like to send a gift.
But 2006 is looking to be full of excitment and good things, for me and the people I love.
What do I have to look forward to? Well, only ...
A new baby for Laura and Dan
A new baby for Jon and Amber
A new baby for Kim and Dana
A new baby for ...(not allowed to say yet!)
A new baby for my new boss Paul
(remind me not to share any water with any of these people :))
A wedding for Heather and Ben
A wedding for Kim and Dana
Mike and my very first Christmas Day together
Dental Insurance
New Eyeglasses
A job I don't hate
A 1.5 mile commute to work
A happier, healthier mom
Dad's new bionic knee
Matt's promotion to "Guy with an assistant"
A year of calm and happiness for my friend, the Gypsy Princess
It's hard not to be optimistic about this year. Except for one minor major thing. The official entrance into my "late twenties."
This will not be fun. I am not promising anything. And the fact that the Super Bowl is being held on the weekend right before my birthday just plain pisses me off. So, come Feb. 8, if you're looking for me, look under my bed. I plan on spending the day curled up in a ball nursing a large bottle of wine.
Good things folks...good things.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
I hope that everyone has survived the big New Year's Eve Celebration with nothing but minor hangovers...I, myself, am feeling quite good today. One perk of not really drinking. I just returned from the tri-state area for Christmas. Thanks to Jenny and Mia for letting me crash, and Congratulations to Laura and Dan on the conception of Baby #2! I honor of the new year, I would like to offer up an article that has provided me with a FANTASTIC mental image to start off 2006:
Pack of Angry Chihuahuas Attack Officer
FREMONT, Calif. (AP) - A pack of angry Chihuahuas attacked a police officer who was escorting a teenager home after a traffic stop, authorities said.
The officer suffered minor injuries, including bites to his ankle, Detective Bill Veteran said.
The five Chihuahuas escaped the 17-year-old boy's home and rushed the officer in the doorway Thursday, authorities said. The teenager had been detained after the traffic incident.
The officer was treated at a hospital and returned to work less than two hours later.
Ankle Biters!
Have a great New Year's Day!