Sunday, January 29, 2006

Thoughts at 9pm on a Sunday...

Found out last night that one of my oldest friends from high school got married. Her new husband is deployed in Iraq - best thoughts for a safe return. Oddly enough, I discovered this information on a little thing called I just signed up, out of curiosity...That little bit of information was quite a surprise. So, is that sort of thing a big blinking neon sign that I've been officially written out of someone's life? Are 9 unreturned phone calls over the course of 9 months a better sign? At what point is it stupid to not let go of the past and move on? The big B-day is fast approaching and I'm feeling older and older as each day passes, and realizing that the world is moving on way faster than that. On Friday, I had a lovely conversation with the youngest Showrunner in Hollywood history. He is a year younger than me. Should I be concerned? Are my career and my life moving too slowly? Is the sudden influx of people from my past a sign that I shouldn't let go? All these things are pressing on my brain and making my right eye hurt. I bought new contacts yesterday. -7.0. Don't know if any of you folks out there know this, but 90 year old people don't have vision as bad as that. I have arthritis in my knee. Am I old? Should I throw in the towel? I refuse that. My head hurts from all this. *** *******-Porter? How do I get used to writing that on mail? Do I put that in my address book as I was never formally told about it? I spent the day in a giant room with 500 brides. I've never eaten so much cake and chocolate covered stuff in my life. Who knew that getting married was such a big deal that an entire EXPO is required? Do I need dairy? It it necessary?

I long for a good episode of Grey's Anatomy to shake me from my thoughts.

1 more hour.


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