Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Didja Ever Notice...?

That things don't always seem to go the way you plan them? I just want to be completely done with everything from the past few years - keys gone, goldfish back in my possesion, deposit back from the bitch who owned the crackden I was living in...but of course, it can never just been a clean break. I've got my boxes back but have a box of his stuff to return. He has my goldfish that I still have to move. I have all of the pictures from the last 3 years. Can I just hand them all over? Will I want to look at them again someday? Why do I have to take the bitch to court to get my money back? Would it be wrong just to take her TV and Washing Machine and sell them on Craigslist to recoup my deposit?

It's a frustrating day. But, I am moved in now. Setup, unpacked, moved in...I love my new bedroom set - it's so grownup! I just wish the bedroom was a little bit bigger to accommodate it. Someday. Someday I'll have a bedroom that's as big as the bedroom I just left. (Yeah. It really blows. Feels an awful lot like taking 10 steps back, doesn't it?)

But I also noticed something the other day. I noticed that I don't regret any of my choices. I wish some of them had worked out differently, but I don't regret that they happened. I'm am so ready to move forward with the next phase of my life. I just wish there wasn't so much trying to hold me back.

But I'm trying anyway. Went on a date last week. A real, bona-fide date! Of course, I'm terrible at dating. I have never been interested in someone that I haven't been at least friends with first. Which, at this point, makes dating hard, since I very rarely make new friends, and would never date one of my friends now (no offense to any of them - I've just known them too long). Will a second date follow? Who knows. Do I care? No, not really. Because you can't get hurt by someone you hardly know. That's EFFING AWESOME!

And if I can get them to always buy dinner...? EVEN BETTER.

Happy Tuesday!


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