Thursday, June 22, 2006

Has anyone noticed the sudden abundance of babies and pregnancies this year?
Yet another friend has announced her pregnancy to me today.
Let's do the math, now shall we?

Laura & Dan - 1 down 1 due in August
Amber & Jon - 1 down 1 due in March
Kim & Dana - 1 arrived in May
Paul & Angie - 1 arrived in May
Danielle & Kevin - 1 arrived in June
** & ** (not my news to tell:))- 1 due in December-ish
Allison - 1 due in August
Seth & Melissa - Eskander arrives in the fall

So, what precedes babies? Weddings. Lots and lots o' weddings.

1 in October
2 in November

8 babies. 4 weddings.

Now. Let's go one step further. If you estimate that most people give a new baby gift in the average range of $40, that adds up to roughly $320, just for baby showers.

Weddings - $75 is the average gift. I will be a guest with no travel expenses at only one wedding. I have one destination wedding. Vegas over a Saturday night. $100 airfare, $150 hotel, $30 taxis and $50 food. One destination wedding + gift = $405. And there is the wedding that you are a bridesmaid in. These fall into a few categories: Bridesmaid or Maid of Honor.

I am currently a M.O.H. in one sorta-local wedding. Dress: $90. Shoes: $30. Hotel, 2 nights: $250. Bachelorette Party: $200. Shower: $200. Gift: $75. Total: $845.

The final type is the destination & Bridesmaid Wedding. Tack another $400 for airfare and rental car to the previous. Total: $1245.00.

Grand total of all Babies and Weddings Thus Far: $2,890.00.

NEARLY $3000!!!!

I'm totally registering for a car for my next birthday.


At 2:17 PM , Blogger Squaresville said...

Get 'em all 30 dollar gift cards to Target and make 'em a card that tells them you care but you also need to eat...


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