Monday, November 20, 2006

Wedding Madness...

So, on Saturday, I was at the wedding of two wonderful friends. But the world was watching this:

Two questions - how did she get shorter than him? My theory is that her right leg is stuck out in front of his legs, and both knees are slightly bent to give him the illusion of height.

The second thing is - do they not look that fancy? I mean,'s her wedding day. She married the most famous movie star EVER. She's got the entire world watching. So, why does her hair look like she just woke up? She looked better wearing the beachball than she did in this picture.

The third thing - why was this top billing over:


"IF I DID IT?????????" WHAT THE FUCK??!!

Uh, I didn't do it. But if I did, here's how?

Rupert Murdoch apparently decided NOT to air the special. Thank FUCKING god.


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